Fjord Collection

Fjord W 253.2 composition composed of an end side H 38.5 in Zinco finish lacquered aluminium, two washbasin base units with Rovere Nordico drawer and Zinco finish lacquered embossed aluminium shelf W 90 H 38,5 D 51 and base with Rovere Nordico drawer and Zinco finish lacquered embossed aluminium shelf W 72 H 38.5 D 51. Drawers complete with Share internal equipment in Rovere Carbone. Linear tray top in MDi Pacific Blanco Plus W 253.2. Keel 45 Cristalplant sit-on washbasins. Kara mirrors with backlighting W 54 H 120 D 3.5. Ljos LED backlight shelves W 72, Zinco. Flow L01 tap in satin-finished steel. Zen benches with Rovere Mezza Fiamma strips W 126 H 35.2 D 44.5. Maki 2 black cork pouf. Oval Cristalplant bathtub. Ljos LED backlight shelf complete with accessories W 216. Flow V01 satin-finish steel tap.